Donald Trump promised his electorate that he would put restrictions on China trade . And, in his way, he is doing so. In a few months, Trump has given the order to activate tariffs on imports of Chinese goods for a total value of 250,000 million dollars, representing half of most Chinese products that crossed the border last year. Trump a Republican tycoon has threatened, additionally , to go to the total confrontation if there is not a change of attitude on the part of the Chinese leadership. However, neither on Wall Street nor on Main Street have the presidents objectives well understood, despite the obvious collateral damage to his strategy.
The scenario in which this commercial battle is being waged, in fact, is completely flawed by the November legislative elections. To the extent that it is assumed that the tension with China will not be reduced until the elections pass. The escalation poses a real political risk for the Republicans, who try to contain the Democrats so that they do not recover the majority in the House of Representatives and in the Senate.