“My patience with Facebook has reached its limits, said Vera Jourova the European Commissioner of Justice, it is time to act and not more promises from Facebook, if the changes have not been made effective at the end of the year, I will appeal to the Consumer Authorities to act quickly and apply sanctions to the company.
“The European Commissioner for Justice, Vera Jourova, can no longer be clearer. Prudent in public for months, however less and less in private, Jourova has lashed out at noon against Facebook for the continuous excuses and evasions when complying with the requirements of European Union law. “With respect to Facebook, there has been very limited progress in the framework of the ongoing coercive action, and since April, the new Facebook service terms contain a misleading presentation of the main features of the company’s services. Now he tells consumers that his data and content are used only to improve his general “experience” and they do not mention that the company uses this data for commercial purposes, and my patience has been filled “, he warned.