The Municipal Council of Los Angeles has approved this Tuesday unanimously to develop an ordinance that prohibits the sale of fur coats and other products of the same material, as they have done three other cities in California. The initiative, presented by councilors Bob Blumenfield and Paul Koretz, aims to ban fine leather goods such as mink and mink from being sold in two years’ time. “The symbolism of doing this is as important as reality and so, if We offer a period of implementation, I think we will have the desired effect in the country and in the world, given that LA is one of the world capitals of fashion and glamor, “said Koretz. The proposal approved on Tuesday contains an amendment introduced by the Council’s Personal and Animal Welfare Committee to allow sales of articles made from skins of animals caught in traps by those licensed by the California Department of Game and Fisheries. It would allow the trade of garments or accessories used for religious reasons, such as the fur hats worn by some Jewish groups in certain celebrations. Last March the San Francisco Board of Supervisors approved the prohibition of sales of articles made with fine skins as of 1 January 2019. Traders will be able to sell the current inventory until January 1, 2020. “The horrendous fur industry is responsible for caging, striking and sometimes even skinning alive millions of sensitive animals, all for coats, collars , fists and pom-poms, “said Ingrid Newkirk, president of the Gente para el Tratam campaign Ethical Ethics Committee (PETA), in support of the measure.