Of all countries in the Americas, Panama  is one of the most friendly to foreign investors, particularly in terms of immigration and its USD. Dollar currency status.

Immigration law in Panama have allowed foreigners to invest a modest amount ($300,000) so that they can obtain the benefit of residency by economic solvency. Such investment can be in a property, house, condo, beach front villa , land /   lot, business development , and the investment amount can be compromised of a collage of both liquid funds / and real estate , or any of both separate manners , which ad up to the average amount of USD.300,000; for example: a Condo located in the city of Panama  that has a net worth of 250,000usd, and a time deposit in a bank for 150,000 USD, would converge into the needed amount according to the law. Therefore it is easy and very accessible to qualify for this type of economic solvency visa. Buying a vacation investment property in a beach community such a Buena Aventura , Santa Clara, or Playa Bonita  , just to name a few,  would sustain the qualifications that have been set forth by immigration law in Panama count as qualification and would provide great yearly growth.

Although many foreign investors are attracted by the prospect of easy residency, there are several reasons that make Panama the best country in Central America to invest in, not only in real estate , but also in building a business . Legal immigration professionals, are widely available in Panama, mainly in law firms that invest most of their expertise and resources in immigration, Real Estate,  company formation, bank account intro and yacht and vessel registration. Unquestionably the investment climate in Panama is stable and most important , current conditions in South America make it even more interesting as demand is growing thus steady price increase comes with it.

The 5 most relevant reasons on why to invest in Panama

  1. Panamanian Stock.
  2. Purchase of Panama ADR.
  3. Invest in Panamanian Real Estate Market.
  4. Panama Pacifico Special Economic Area.
  5. Mutual Fund Exposure.

There are several reasons that we have pointed out on why investing in Panama as a Business destination for investment:

  • Monetary Stability : US Dollar is a Panama´s currency of legal tender
  • Strategic Location: Located in the Center of the Americas
  • Preferential Access to international markets: Colon Free Zone, Business environment, attractive legal framework
  • Attractive Tax Incentives: Fair and competitive tax rates in comparison with the regions average
  • Competitive Infrastructure:  Panama Pacifico Economic Area, Colon Free Zone ,
  • Competitive Costs: great living standard with an affordable  cost
  • Human Capital: Panama´s workforce is mostly bilingual and well trained and educated