When you decide to invest your time and effort in learning a second language, choosing which language is of the utmost importance, therefore, why should you choose to learn English as a second language? Let’s keep reading and understanding why?

Know one day, more than 50% of the world population can speak more than two or more languages ​​and more than 1500 million people are learning a second language, mainly English. We currently live in a global community that unites us and it becomes so necessary to find methods to understand each other in an effective way, to learn or speak a second language, plus natural language, it opens many doors. Personal and professional spheres By having the possibility to choose among so many languages, there is always a certain degree of uncertainty about which language to choose.

English is the second language in the world. There are many languages ​​spoken as Mandarin, Spanish or Arabic, the second most used language is English with a total of 1.400 million native speakers, which means that one in five people (20% of the world population speaks It is not also important to speak English, but to have a diversity of people who can communicate in English in the whole world.