It is more than obvious that the situation is aggravated every second that passes, therefore, we can not let go of this important issue that affects every individual who lives on this planet that we call Earth. Many governmental and non-governmental organizations worldwide have raised their voice to try to stop all those entities that endanger the stability of the planet and that are directly responsible for the climate change that occurs today Day and it will be getting worse.
The definition of climate change is given by the global variation of the climate in the Earth, which is produced by natural causes and also to the action of the man that occur at very diverse timescales of time and on all the climatic parameters: temperature, Precipitation, cloudiness and others inherent.
In that same sense, the term "greenhouse effect" refers to is the retention of the heat of the sun in the atmosphere of the Earth by a layer of gases in the atmosphere. Without them life as we know it would not be possible, as the planet would be too cold. These gases include carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane, which are released by industry, agriculture, and combustion of fossil fuels. The industrialized world has managed to increase the concentration of these gases by 30% since the last century, when, without human action, nature was in charge of balancing emissions.
I, Ismael Gerli, emphasize that drastic and immediate measures should be put in place to stop the factors causing the alteration in our atmosphere, which in turn influences directly and proportionately our climate, although many countries prefer to increase their Economy at the cost of the destruction of our poses, emphasizing after the United States left the Paris agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
We are all responsible and it is our duty to help preserve the stability of our planet, through actions that contribute to raise awareness about climate change that every day becomes a subject so relevant and spoken even in the most incognito place of our Planet.