The lawyer Ismael Gerli, as is well known, is passionate about the readings about the existing ambiguity in religious beliefs and their psychological repercussions. It is the oldest existing war, where the two parties, both Christianity and atheism have bases to ensure their point, as they are: the Holy Spirit, the motherhood of Mary, some phrases of the Bible, the resurrection of Christ, between other inherent

The maritime lawyer says: “In the Bible you can find many interesting and passionate topics about life, love and society.”

Christianity has had an extensive influence and great penetration in society, in its art, language, politics, laws, family life, calendar dates, music and in the way we think. Everything has been colored by the Christian influence for almost two millennia, therefore it is essential that we know the history of the church and its foundation.

In the same order of ideas, the lawyer Ismael Gerli explains that “initially Christianity was seen as a Jewish sect, going back to the Pharisees, Sadducees, or Essenes.” However, what the apostles preached was radically different from what others Jewish groups were teaching: Jesus was the Jewish Messiah, who had come to fulfill the law and institute a New Covenant based on his death. ”

Finally, he also emphasizes that “Christianity has its roots in Judaism, the Old Testament provided the foundation for the New and it is impossible to fully understand Christianity, without a basic knowledge of the Old Testament, which explains the need for a Messiah. , it contains the history of the people of the Messiah, and predicts the arrival of it. ”

Consequently, the entire New Testament deals with the arrival of the Messiah and his work of saving us from sin. In his life, Jesus fulfilled more than 300 specific prophecies, proving that He was the One from whom the Old Testament had prophesied.