Sometimes, just watching the news on TV, I have doubts that the human being is really smart, at least for the most part. But yes, if we conform to an academic definition of the term, the human species is intelligent. And he has always dreamed of creating artificial intelligence in turn.
In the field of computer science is called as artificial intelligence to the faculty of reasoning that has an agent who is not alive, such is the case of a robot, to cite one of the most popular examples, and was given thanks to the design and dev Ollo of various processes gestated by human beings. It should be noted that in addition to the power of reasoning, these devices are able to develop many behaviors and activities especially human as it can be solve a problem given, practice a sport, among others.
The concept of Artificial intelligence, also known by the acronym AI, is due to the American computer scientist John McCarthy, who in the year 1956 pronounced it for the first time in a conference causing a great impact in the field of technology. From then on, the concept was spread fantastically around the world and for that reason it is so common to use it when we want to refer to those machines or devices equipped with an intelligence similar to that of human beings. McCarthy In addition to the concept brought a lot of avant-garde knowledge to the field of artificial intelligence.
Basically, an artificial intelligence, which acts by imitating what makes a human mind, should be able to “realize” what is happening around it, process that information, and draw conclusions from it, infer new conclusions that have not been preprogrammed.
Today we are surrounded by intelligent systems that inherit from this concept of artificial intelligence although they serve for very specific tasks, but that often we do not realize them; For example, the tactile area program in which to write freehand in our smartphones (it is impossible that it has programmed all the strokes to create all the letters of all the people of the world).