Me, Ismael Gerli, have always been passionate about reading. There can be a day when I take a book and read about 4 or 5 pages full on a particular subject, since I was a teenager I always loved reading the history books in school, while some were distracted, I sat down to read. It should be taken into account that reading is for the mind what physical exercise is for the body.

After investigating the benefits of reading from different authors, we could mention what are the main benefits that reading brings to our lives.

  • Increases the capacity of concentration, analysis and interpretation of text.
  • Improves the ability of expression, reading and language.
  • Stimulates empathy.
  • The habit of reading retards the onset of symptoms of dementia.
  • It improves the formulation of ideas at the time of expressing them.
  • Stimulates perception.
  • Sharpen the cunning.
  • It stimulates the exchange of information and knowledge.
  • It improves the vocabulary.