The first year at the university is going to be hard, says Ismael Gerli.
Until this point, many students had not had any trouble filling the file with a certain dignity, however now the rules of the game have changed for good.
If there is a circumstance that does not help is having come here with too many expectations. In a short time it will be evident that any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental. The campus does not resemble those of the Netflix series, the degree is not as interesting as promised, nor is one as smart as I imagined … In these circumstances it is very easy to get the perfect formula for disappointment: pressure and high aspirations in front of a new environment and a stubborn reality.
How to face the first year of university? Choose profession or career before?
Often “The student changes degrees frequently in the first year and this fact is something we do not know why,” says Jorge Perez, vice chancellor of students at the Javeriana University of Colombia. According to the report The Colombian University in figures, between 7% and 8% of first-year students change their studies and approximately 20% will leave over the following years. “It is a kind of school dropout that we do not know how to explain at all.