Artificial Intelligence, Do you know it?
Sometimes, just watching the news on TV, I have doubts that the human being is really smart, at least for the most part. But yes, if we conform to an…
Sometimes, just watching the news on TV, I have doubts that the human being is really smart, at least for the most part. But yes, if we conform to an…
Algunas veces, tan solo con ver las noticias en la televisión, tengo dudas de que realmente el ser humano sea inteligente, por lo menos en su mayoría. Pero sí, si…
The famous Google Maps App offers a variety of features for users that being a simple and clear platform has become a favorite for travelers and tourists. It is also…
La famosa App de mapas de Google ofrece una variedad de funciones para los usuarios que por ser una plataforma sencilla y clara se ha convertido en una de las…
Facing a job interview is not easy, but when you have to prove what you are and impress the interviewer. First of all it is important to understand the 3…
Enfrentar una entrevista de trabajo no es nada fácil, mas cuando debes demostrar lo que eres e impresionar al entrevistador. Ante todo es importante es entender las 3 etapas de…
I have seen sometimes where people come to me wondering "how they can learn to speak in public", because they always find it difficult to gather the words necessary to…
Me he visto en ocasiones donde personas se me acercan preguntándome “como pueden aprender a hablar en público”, ya que siempre les cuesta poder reunir las palabras necesarias para poder…
I have known that on Saturday 28 July this year, an earthquake of 6.4 magnitude on the scale of Richter has shaken Indonesia, which has recorded a total of 20…
Me he enterado que el día sábado 28 de julio del presente año, un terremoto de 6.4 grados de magnitud en la escala de Ritcher ha sacudido a Indonesia, lo…
I, Ismael Gerli, believe that since we were born, we have had to experience various changes in the history of humanity, since we live in a very accelerated world. Besides…
Yo, Ismael Gerli considero que desde que nacemos, hemos tenido que experimentar diversos cambios en la historia de la humanidad, ya que vivimos en un mundo muy acelerado. Además de…