Rio de Janeiro. During his campaign, Jair Bolsonaro was characterized by carrying out his campaign through an incendiary rhetoric that sought confrontation, however, the President-elect of Brazil elaborate a government plan that suggested the course his government would take. Bolsonario present his plan in a document that I call a step to prosperity, but better known as Project Phoenix.
The management of the world's eighth economy is somewhat discomfort for the future presidency of Bolsonario. In his initial speech, the former military called an open economy but also the need to protect the local businessman. The election of Paulo Guedes, an exponent of neoliberalism as minister of economy, gives lights to the future of the economy. In the government program, Bolsonaro accused the past administration of having gone through public spending.
In that sense Bolsonaro try to reduce the primary deficit through a broad privatization plan. The resources obtained will be used for the payment of the public debt. The Fenix project does not specify which companies will be privatized, the mega companies of the state are the ones that make an advantage, as is the Petrobras oil company.